Single Room Through Wall Energy Heat Recovery Ventilation Unit

Short Description:

  1. Fresh air supply and extract stale air from the room alternately
  2. Maintain heat regeneration and indoor humidity balance
  3. Reduce heating and air conditioning costs
  4. Easy to install through internal wall with hole diameter from 160-170mm
  5. Auto shutter can prevent the insects entering and the cold air flowing backward when the unit stops
  6. Consume little energy
  7. Silence operation
  8. Prevent excessive indoor humidity and mould build-up
  9. High efficient ceramic energy regenerator
  10. Outer hood can prevent rain draining back and birds nesting

Product Detail


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Structure of Single Room Heat Recovery Ventilation Unit

structure of Single Room Heat Recovery Ventilation Unit

Operation Modes

Ventilation Mode: The ventilator runs in the air extract or air supply mode with a set speed. In case of synchronous operation of two connected ventilators one unit operates in the supply mode and the other one in the extract mode.

Regeneration Mode: The ventilator runs in two cycles,65 seconds each, to provide heat and moisture regeneration.

operation mode

Working Principle

The reversible operation of the ventilator enables energy regeneration and consists of two cycles:


The polluted warm air is extracted from the room and while passing the ceramic energy regenerator, the recuperator will absorb the heat and moisture. In 65 seconds, as the energy regenerator gets warmed, the ventilator automatically switches to the supply mode.


The fresh, but cold outdoor air flows through the heat regenerator and absorbs the accumulated heat and moisture so that the temperature of supply air flow will close to the room temperature. In 65 seconds, when the energy regenerator gets cold, the ventilator switches to the air extract mode. The cycle starts from the beginning.

working principle


The ventilator is designed to ensure continuous mechanical air exchange in houses, offices, hotels, cafes, conference halls and other residential and public premises. The ventilator is equipped with a ceramic heat exchanger that enables supply of fresh filtered air heated by means of extract air heat regeneration. The ventilator is designed for through-the-wall mounting and is rated for non-stop operation. Transported air must not contain any flammable or explosive mixtures, evaporation of chemicals, sticky substances, fibrous materials, coarse dust, soot and oil particles or environments favourable for the formation of hazardous substances (toxic substances, dust, pathogenic germs).

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  • commercial heat recovery ventilator
    Heat Recovery Ventilators
    Hrv Heat Recovery Ventilator
    Heat Recovery Ventilator
    Ductless Heat Recovery Ventilator
    Single Room Heat Recovery Ventilator

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